Congressi e Meetings


IPTC 2022

  • Congressi scientifici
  • visite: 1451
IPTC 2022

1st International Plant Translocation Conference

The conference will be a unique occasion for conservation biologists from around the world to share their experiences, successes and misfortunes in restoring threatened plant species.

Many plant species around the globe are threatened or already extirpated from the wild as a result of habitat loss, pollution, alien invasive species and climate change. Translocation is now a common conservation, sometimes highly successful, sometimes dramatically discouraging. Conservation biologists, ecologists, taxonomists, geneticists, practitioners, policy makers and others need a place to share experiences improve translocation science and practice to deliver more effective conservation outcomes. The 1st International Plant Translocation Conference will provide a forum for this discussion.

With international keynote speakers, almost 40 talks, and social events, the Conference will provide an opportunity for the global community of plant conservation biologists and beyond to present recent findings, learn from each other’s experience, initiate new collaborations and transfer knowledge to the next generation of conservation biologists.



Rome (Rome - Roma, Lazio - Italia)


Roma Tre University






  • Adaptive monitoring and management for maintaining reintroduced populations in a changing world.
  • Using new technologies for designing and monitoring translocation
  • Translocation cases from the world
  • Multi-species approach and biotic interactions in translocation
  • Ex situ conservation approaches for increasing success in translocation


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