Congressi e Meetings


2021 - XXVI Convegno Inter. Studi Cinematografici

  • Congressi scientifici
  • visite: 997
2021 - XXVI Convegno Inter. Studi Cinematografici

Migrazioni, cittadinanze, inclusività. Narrazioni dell’Italia plurale, tra immaginario e politicheper la diversità.

Migrations, Citizenships, Inclusivity. Narratives of Plural Italy, between Imaginary and Diversity Politics is the theme of this XXVI International Conference of Film Studies, organised by Roma Tre University - Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts. Scheduled originally in Autumn 2020, the conference was postponed until May 2021, in the hope that the Covid-19 pandemic may have let us meet and run it in presence. That was not possible, so long life the web, that will enable us to meet at last virtually from May 6th to 8th, via Zoom platform, and share this three-day event, rich of panels, roundtables, keynotes during daytime and a selection of films offered in streaming via MyMovies from 9 to 11 pm, in open access (with a restriction for Italy-based viewers). If you wish to join the conference interactively and address us your impressions and/or questions to the speakers, please fill in the form included in the page “Registration” by May 2nd at the latest. In any case, all of you will be able to attend our conference via the Facebook page of Roma Tre University – DAMS




Dip. di Filosofia, Comunicazione e Spettacolo - Università Roma Tre





Dipartimento Filosofia Comunicazione Spettacolo


Centro Produzione Audiovisivi - Università degli Studi Roma Tre

Fondazione Roma Tre - Teatro Palladium


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